Holy Moly! (not Molly) Where to start? The last 5 days have seen me leave the cozy arms of my loving Victoria family, jet(ta) down to Seattle, get the best send off from my best girls, get a free hotel stay, ticket to Sunny Day Real Estate AND a ride to LA. 18 hours of driving in a compact Subaru later.....I arrived in 90 degrees of heat! Stayed in Montrose a couple nights with a wonderful host, Nick then headed into the belly of the beast..(downtown LA! eep!) Stayed the night in Venice Beach at the *quaint* Venice Beach Cotel....let's just say....ghetto fabulous. Today is the day I head to Santa Monica...where I am NOT privy to drug deals and massive drunken brawls outside my hostel room (yup) and where there is a much nicer hostel!
But what about the music, Genevieve? Well, shit. I'm getting to that! With all this excitement and travel....I realized I actually hadn't picked up my guitar since my farewell show last tuesday! Whaaa? So I curled up in my bunk and strummed away...possibly have a new song in the works and am feeling much better. Today my friend Shannon and I will be gettin me a busking liscence to start peddling my talents with the rest of them on the Promenade! I may have been a sucker tourist for a few days...but now it's time to turn the tables! haha! You WILL think I'm an adorable Canadian and buy my CD! :-) Yes, oh yes you will....
Love to all for now!
xxx g
...Yeah right Gee......you started that hostel brawl, don't lie.
fuckers insulted my hometown--capital city 4 life! hey o!
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